Rikki Goldenberg

Hi! Tell us about yourself

Hiya! I’m Rikki Goldenberg, and I’ve been running my own leadership and career coaching business since 2021. 

Tell us about your business!

My business is run out of my home in South Orange but I partner with clients all over the US (and a few special folks in Europe!) 

I mostly work with established folks in their 30s and 40s who’ve been crushing and cruising but are now wondering if this is what they want out of work. That might look like leveling up and going for the promotion, falling back in love with work with a focus on work-life balance, pivoting to a new career, or even launching out on their own. 

I’ve been lucky enough to partner with amazing humans to figure out their “what now?!” moment: architects, lawyers, interior designers, non-profit executives, publishing leaders, anything tech… you name it, I’ve probably coached someone in that field.

Folks say working with me is like hanging out on that edge of growth and dancing on it - I don’t take myself, the process, or anything really too seriously. There’s a whole lot of laughing, swearing and really beautiful discoveries found together.

How did you find yourself doing this work?

I’ve worked in finance, design, and consulting as a design researcher, a strategist, a project lead and manager, and throughout my entire career, I’ve loved the work, but I’ve loved the people part the most; growing and leading teams and humans to be their best and happiest versions of themselves. When I initially launched my businesses I received hundreds of emails celebrating that I was finally doing what I always did in my role anyway; coaching. 

What excites you the most about what you do?

The special relationship I build with each client, and the space I’m able to hold for them as they navigate incredibly complex, challenging and difficult situations. It’s such an honor to be in the weeds with them. I’m not about the huge eureka moments - even though I’ve had those with clients… I’m all about those really complicated, messy moments and finding awareness in the clutter. Gah, it’s the best!

What is it about you that makes you so good at what you do?

I love making people feel deeply heard, understood, and valued. I simply love creating that closeness with humans.

What have you learned about yourself since becoming an entrepreneur?

I never knew how much I’d love working on the business and in the business. Running your own business takes both skills - and a whole lot of discipline. Who knew I had that in me!?

What 4 items are essential for you to do the work you do?

Sleep, exercise, good food, and dance music

And just for fun…

What's your go-to celebration meal when you hit a milestone?

Doughnuts. Always. Send me your recs. I want to eat them.

What's your superpower in your business?

My secret superpower is my insane capacity to meet someone and within moments get to learn their deepest secrets that I then cherish and take to the grave. It happens everywhere I go.

What’s your favorite ’90s jam?

No Diggity

If your business was a color, what color would it be and why?

Emerald - it makes you feel calm, relaxed and safe while also a little energized and excited.

Share a piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you started your biz.

I’m lucky enough that someone did share this with me: it takes 7 years before you’ll feel like you’ve hit any kind of flow. Slow down, build for the long-term. Changed the way I work.