Kris Haas

Hi! Tell us about yourself

I’m Kris Haas. I live in Maplewood with my 13-year-old son, husband/partner, two cats, and a gorgeous husky named Indy

(Indiana - as in Jones). I’m a writer, editor, educator, and entrepreneur. I was also a public school teacher and have a Master’s

in Education. I’m the owner of The Botanica Boutique, and I love what I do.

Tell us about your business!

Where is it located? 70 Taylor Place, South Orange (same building as Mark Murphy’s Music & just around the corner from Wildly Floral Co.!

What is it? The Botanica Boutique is SOMa’s first and only wellness boutique. What is a wellness boutique, you ask? I like to say that this is a place “where nature meets nurture.” We offer a curated collection of wellness products to rejuvenate your body, empower your mind, and uplift your spirit - all with a highly personalized experience. From products to brighten the energy in your home, to an array of products to help what ails you - we have something for everyone. Plus, we offer a selection of NA and adaptogenic drinks, functional mushrooms, herbal tinctures, and so much more. 

Who is it for? There’s something here for everyone. It’s just about feeling good and being happy.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up at the Jersey Shore and was a total beach kid (still am). I also lived in Brooklyn and Jersey City before moving to Maplewood in 2015.

How many years have you been in business?

I started The Botanica Boutique in 2020 during a time when the world seemed to stand still. I was a full-time public school teacher and searching for ways to ease the stress that was impacting myself and so many of the people in my life. The search for wellness and happiness started me on this journey and I opened the brick-and-mortar location in October 2023.

What excites you the most about what you do?

The thing I love most about having this shop is getting to interact with so many different people and finding them products that match their needs. From people in our direct community to those who travel to see me - I am always learning and constantly growing as a result of the clients I meet and talk to.

What is it about you that makes you so good at what you do?

I think the first thing that makes me good at what I do is that I absolutely love it. I think finding ways to feel better and well are so important. My education and background as an educator and writer have helped me so much in my deep research of products, ideas, and methods to lead a better, more happy life.

Do you have any magic tricks that you use in your business that you swear by and could share with others?

The whole shop is full of “magic tricks” to help you focus, relax, sleep, etc. Stop in and take a look!

What are 3 things that contribute to a successful work day?

The best days are when I hear feedback from clients. Nothing makes my day better than hearing that someone is feeling or doing better. Other than that, I feel like a day has been successful if I’ve had a good interaction with a client in the shop. I walk away at the end of the day feeling positive about what I do.

And just for fun…

What's the weirdest thing on your desk right now?

A mug that says “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy…”

If your business were a fictional character, who would it be and why?

I like to think that The Botanica Boutique is like Little Witch Hazel, the little healing witch from the children’s book of the same name by Phoebe Wahl. She travels throughout the forest to help all of the animals who live there. When she needs help herself, the community of animals come to her aid - much like the support I feel from our community.

What's the most unusual request or inquiry you've received from a customer?

A woman came here from an hour away to ask me if her daughter could interview me about wellness and intention using plant-based products.

Favorite songs to listen to when working

I am always adding and subtracting to my shop playlist. I never remove First Aid Kit, Fleetwood Mac, Sade, Maggie Rogers, and Mily Cyrus (no judgment!)

3 fave instagram follows and why

@ChefReactions: Hilarious break downs of cooking Reels.

@OverheardinNewYork: Self-explanatory and amazing.

@Totally80sRoom: Memes about growing up in the 80s and 90s that I always need to share with my sister.