Dana Siomkos

Tell us about you!

Hi, my name is Dana Siomkos. I am the Founder & CEO of You & Them…as well as the Founder of Bigwig. Thanks for visiting!

What about your business(es)? How long have you been doing this work?

You & Them is a professional recruiting, consulting and coaching company I launched in 2010. We help some of the most unique marketing & advertising companies grow their businesses by way of hiring, and optimizing, the best talent NYC has to offer. 

Bigwig, on the other hand, started as a casual meet-up with fellow business-owning friends in Maplewood & South Orange in 2021. The interest grew so quickly that I decided to brand and launch it publically this year, with the help of a fellow Bigwig, Rachel Zorel of Seven Layer Studio, by way of a more robust monthly business curriculum, sought-after speakers, and member benefits.

How did you find yourself here? (Name previous jobs or experience)

As a kid growing up in the suburbs of NYC in the 80’s, I was obsessed with the idea of becoming an Advertising Executive (thanks Angela Bower!). I’m equal parts business & creative and this career path seemed like the best marriage of the two. Against my mom’s advice (who happened to own her own recruiting firm in my CT hometown), I entered the advertising industry as an Assistant Account Executive at Deutsch, making waaaay too little money to live in NYC. 

After 10 years of agency life, I had the itch to do something different, so I quit my job without having anything new lined up. (My favorite piece of career advice, by the way!) I planned tons of lunches, coffees and drinks with everyone I knew and ended up helping out my recruiter friend, on a part time basis, by way of introductions to my advertising network. I actually entered into this role very begrudgingly, as I had seen the challenges my mom faced with her recruiting business. Yet, within a month, I knew this was my calling and haven’t looked back since. 

What excites you the most about what you do?

I’m obsessed with people and business. I love hearing the backstories, the wild aspirations and asking tough questions. I’m not a plug-and-play recruiter - I’m more of a business therapist. I ask companies where they want to go and I have the privilege of helping them find the unique and talented people that will take them there. 

Same goes for Bigwig. I am so deeply inspired by all the locals who are making their business dreams come true, often after quitting a cushy corporate job or building a business while raising babies. Entrepreneurs are a fascinating breed of humans who are ambitious, optimistic and resilient enough to take the kinds of risks and solve the kinds of problems business owners face…every day. It is a process of constant reinvention and it’s not for the faint of heart! 

What is it about you that makes you so good at what you do?

I have a strong intuition when it comes to making connections between people. A lot of recruiters will try to find a resume that matches a job description, whereas I aim to connect people who compliment one another, have strong professional chemistry, and share an ambitious vision. 

With Bigwig, I learned that entrepreneurs often feel very alone and overwhelmed, so instead of having multiple side-bar conversations with local business owners about their ideas, challenges, etc, I created a time and space for us to gather monthly as a group, with businesses of all shapes and sizes, to support and encourage one another. It’s been a truly magical experience. 

What are you working on right now?

Too many things! Haha! My You & Them team and I are currently juggling a couple of executive searches for a global agency, leading an org-design consulting project for a beauty brand, and coaching an individual who is looking to pivot from music & entertainment into marketing & advertising. 

Do you have any magic tricks that you use in your business that you swear by and could share with others (time blocking, listening to music etc etc)

Be a good listener and become good friends with your clients. No matter what industry you’re in, there’s always competition. The single most effective way to set yourself apart, in my opinion, is to be the person they ENJOY working with most. Having a great product/service and being competitively priced is only half the battle. 

What have you learned about yourself since becoming an entrepreneur?

That every valley leads to a peak. Being a business owner, especially in a sales & commission based business, inevitably comes with lots, and I mean LOTS, of rejection. The power of positive thinking and determination goes a long way, so I try not to hold on to those disappointments for too long and, sure enough, success is always right around the corner.

And just for fun…

What's the weirdest thing on your desk right now?

The Alice Brainstorm Mushroom Chocolates, sold to me at Botanica Boutique in South Orange, a fellow Bigwig

If your business were a fictional character, who would it be and why?

Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games. I’m a kind person, but I’m also a fighter. 

Share a piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you started your biz.

Outsource finance and accounting to an expert as soon as you’re able to afford it, if not sooner. 

What's your go-to celebration meal when you hit a milestone?

Filet mignon and Malbec. 

If your business had a theme song, what would it be and why?

Survivor, by Destiny’s Child.