Hi! Tell us about yourself
I'm Vanessa, wife to Broadway Actor Charlie, Mom to 3 kids (one who is grown and flown already!) and we live in South Orange.

I'm a retired dancer who thrives on daily creativity at home and in our community, which I've also brought to my real estate business for over 20 years.

Tell us about your business!

Where is it located? Serving all of Northern New Jersey with special expertise in Essex County & South Orange/Maplewood community

What is it? A Top Real Estate Company + Design firm

Who is it for? Everyone looking to dwell within 30-60 minutes of NYC

Where did you grow up?


How long have you lived in SOMa?

Almost 20 years!

How long have you been doing the work you do?

20 years

How did you find yourself doing this work?

I am a retired professional Dancer (married to an Actor), who transitioned a ton of service experience in the restaurant world and a love of interior design into REAL ESTATE, after the birth of my first child.

What excites you the most about what you do?

How I get to use my creativity to help clients have an amazing experience

What inspired you to start your own business?

I hate sales, so I knew that I needed to have my own unique business model based on care, service, creativity and making an impact. The model didn’t exist so I created it!

What is it about you that makes you so good at what you do?

We strive for excellence in everything we do, every detail.

Do you have any magic tricks that you use in your business that you swear by and could share with others?

I have high standards and a system for EVERYTHING and have hired people to live by those systems and standards too.

What have you learned about yourself since becoming an entrepreneur? 

Teamwork makes the dreamwork.  I want to focus on what I am great at and have others on the team do the same - when we all come together, we can make magic happen!

What are 5 words that describe what you do?

Counsel, Design, Advise, Advocate and Educate

What are 3 things that contribute to a successful work day?

Communicating at a high level with our clients, Making something beautiful (a home, a marketing piece, an email, a system), Helping to reduce stress levels for clients

What 4 items are essential for you to do the work you do?
Staying High Tech, High Touch and up to date on High Design, plus doing it all with a heart of CARE

Vanessa Pollock

And just for fun…

What's your superpower in your business? 

I am an IDEAs machine!

Paint us a picture of your business journey in five words.

UP and DOWN and Up (repeat)

What legacy do you hope to leave through your business?

I hope that our small business leaves a legacy of generosity for arts education the children in our school district and that our community grows their wisdom about honeownership and all the tangible and intangible blessings that brings.

What's the most unusual request or inquiry you've received from a customer? 

At one point a Seller called out a particular actress that she wanted to have play her in her home’s walk through video movie!

What’s your favorite ’90s jam?

Love me some Counting Crows!

A quote you live by

“Put People First and Success Follows”

If your business was a color, what color would it be and why?

We are always black and white, so that our clients’ homes can bring its own color to the story!