Molly Rodau

Hi! Tell us about yourself

Hi, I’m Molly Rodau, Founder and CEO of Collectively.

I’m a proud Maplewood resident (since 2019), a mom of 2 and a member of the bigwig advisory board ;)

Tell us about your business!

Collectively is an organizational development firm supporting industry and issue leading organizations with a people-first approach to change.

Where is it located?

Our offices are located in Maplewood and we partner with organizations in NYC, across the country and around the globe.

Who is it for?

Since joining bigwig, we’ve also had the pleasure of supporting a handful of local business scale and grow in SOMA.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Ohio, Florida, Boston and NY. I moved around a fair amount and was on my own quite young - these experiences certainly shaped me and probably set me up to do the work that I’m doing!

How many years have you been in business?

I’ve been doing this work for 15 years, and founded Collectively in 2019 as a place to bring together my own experiences, expertise and perspective.

What excites you the most about what you do?

I am surprised by people every day. It’s easy to get jaded and bogged down in our perspectives - working with so many different kinds of people in so many different places keeps me on my toes. It’s such a joy to be surprised by someone and to be moved outside of our own ways of seeing things.

What are you working on right now?

Sustainable growth! Our team is growing and we’re definitely experiencing some healthy growing pains. I’m excited to be able to expand our impact and it’s a non-negotiable for me to do it with integrity and without sacrificing the things that got us here.

Do you have any magic tricks that you use in your business that you swear by and could share with others?

Curiosity and presence are definitely the things that ground me in the work I do.

What 4 items are essential for you to do the work you do?

Zoom, whiteboards, chart paper, markers

And just for fun…

What's your go-to celebration meal when you hit a milestone?

Rose and oysters outside at Lorena’s

What was the last gift you gave someone?

Flowers from Wildly - a fellow bigwig business

What’s your favorite ’90s jam?

Right Here - SWV

Best biz book/podcast you’d recommend

Radical Candor by Kim Scott

A quote you live by

“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” H. L. Mencken