Hi! Tell us about yourself
Hi and welcome! My name is Jamie Meier and I am the face and camera behind Live Love Lens Photography® and Live Love Maplewood®.

I specialize in photography of families, kids, teens, and brands, and have a special knack for making people feel at ease in front of the camera.

We’ll work together to create authentic and vibrant images...of you, your family, your business, and your milestones.

I’m a mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend, and business owner! My kids are 12 and 15. My husband and I have been married for 17 years- whoah.

Tell us about your business!

Where is it located? SOMA

What is it? Photography and Local Social Media 

Who is it for? Families, kids, teens, and brands who want authentic photos of themselves! 

How long have you lived in SOMa?

11 years - moved here June 2013 

How many years have you been in business?

Started in spring 2011 – 13 years! 

How did you find yourself doing this work?

I have a master’s degree in Social Work (Columbia University School of Social Work, Class of 2003). I worked in the mental health field (kids and teens) for a few years out of school, then moved into nonprofit work where I wore approximately 325 hats (event planning, programming, volunteer management, marketing, and more). I decided to take a break in 2009 when my daughter was born. One year later, I was itching to get back to work and realized my true passion for photography was calling my name. I took some classes and was lucky to have some great family photo clients who helped me launch my business! 

What excites you the most about what you do?

People!! I love meeting new people, and capturing ones I have worked with regularly. I love getting to know you and telling your story. Lots of clients have become friends, and vice versa. 

What are you working on right now?

My 2024 fall booking calendar for family photo sessions, prepping for SOMA’s Studio Tour participation (my first time (November 2/3 - please come!) -this will also align with a 10 year anniversary part for @livelovemaplewood. Technically it’s 11 years now but who’s counting. I’m also working hard with my business consultant on operations, workflow and finances! Aaaaanndd…..I’m getting help with the #MAPSOSCARY contest I created on @livelovemaplewood. 

What have you learned about yourself since becoming an entrepreneur?

Don’t do it alone….ask for help! It is VERY challenging to run a business by yourself. See how you can ask for help – there are lots of online resources and people in your community/networking circle who can likely assist you - or help you find people to support you. 

Jamie Meier

And just for fun…

Share a piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you started your biz.

Make a business plan - and get help with it if needed. Revisit this plan regularly so you can reach your goals, bring in revenue, and run a business that aligns with your needs.

Paint us a picture of your business journey in five words.

Authenticity. Connection. Vibrancy. Fun. Joy.

If you could collaborate with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Photographer Mary Ellen Matthews – she’s best known for her photo work on Saturday Night Live. She’s so creative and inspiring and a WOMAN in a male dominated industry. She has worked for years at one of the most iconic TV shows of all time. Her work is so unique and fun. I DM’d her once asking if I can work for her for free on an SNL set sometime :) Still waiting for her reply. 🙂

Share a memorable encounter with a fellow entrepreneur or industry figure:

OK well not exactly in my industry – BUT I once got to photograph SHAQ!! As in Shaquille O’Neil. It was a charity event for the nonprofit I used to work at – I had NO IDEA he would be there – he walked in and there I was feeling like the shortest human alive and somehow got a great photo of him - EPIC. 

A quote you live by:

“Well-behaved women seldom make history”